El Espectador cubre nuestro articulo sobre el impacto de la palma de aceite sobre la biodiversidad
El periódico colombiano El Espectador recientemente publicó una nota sobre nuestro artículo que cuantifica los impactos de la palma de...
BBC Mundo me entrevista sobre el aceite de palma
En una nota reciente sobre el informe de la UICN que analiza el impacto de la palma de aceite sobre la biodiversidad, fui entrevistada...
Mongabay discusses our recent oil palm - threatened fauna paper
Mongabay recently published an article discussing the oil palm expansion in Colombia and the different impacts this could have on...
New paper on the impacts of oil palm on Colombia's biodiversity
With colleagues from the ETH Zurich, where I currently do a postdoc, and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, we just published a short...
Lecture at the Humboldt Institute
During the same Colombia visit, I was invited by the Humboldt Institute to share my experience with bird watching tourism, and...
Public talk in Villavicencio
During a visit to the Llanos for a fieldwork campaign, I was invited by two research groups at Universidad de los Llanos to give a public...
Merian Award for best oral presentation - GTO 2018
At the 2018 edition of the European Conference for Tropical Ecology (or GTO for the German acronym) in Paris, I presented our work titled...
Our paper on using iNaturalist to target mitigation of window collisions in out on PeerJ
Scott Winton, member of the bird-window collisions team at Duke University, leads this paper on how to use apps and technology to target...
Artículo sobre mi doctorado en español
La revista digital "Voices for Biodiversity" publica artículos sobre conservación en un lenguaje accesible al publico general....
Colombian newspaper El Tiempo covers birdwatching tourism paper
One of the two main nespapers in Colombia, El Tiempo, covered the paper we recently published about the benefits of birdwatching tourism...