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At UC Santa Cruz I teach Conservation Biology (ENVS 120), an upper division undergraduate course that covers general aspects of threats to biodiversity and strategies to conserve it.



I am often invited to give guest lectures for professors teaching on the subjects of tropical and conservation ecology in Colombia, the US, and Europe.




At UCSC I mentor dozens of undergraduates during their Environmental studies internships. I offer internships working with our Bird-window collision project at UCSC during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. 


More broadly, I often mentor students from Colombian universities and participate on PhD committees for several graduate students.




Bird banding

This bird monitoring activity is a great way to educate people about birds, their ecology and conservation. Throughout my research career, I have used bird banding as an education and researach tool in both Colombia and the United States. 


I was first officially trained as bird bander at Palomarin Field Station of the Point Blue Conservation organization in California where I did a 3-month internship sponsored by Partners in Flight. Here I was able to learn banding techniques and participate in public bird banding demostrations for education.


In Colombia, I was the head instructor of two bird monitoring field courses that took place in Guaviare, teaching young enthusiats how to monitor and inventory bird populations. I have also done several small demonstrations for groups of school children in rural areas.


During my PhD in North Carolina, I volunteered at Prairie Ridge Ecostation, the field station of the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, where I led and participated in several public demonstrations to children of all ages, and adults.



Field trips

A great way to educate people about ecology and conservation is by getting them outside! Wether locally, or internationally, leading bird watching trips has given me the opportunity to share intimate birding moments with children and adults alike.


I have co-led international trips for the Carolina Bird Club to Colombia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Peru.


In North Carolina, I have co-led regional trips for Audubon chapters, the Sierra Club, Wings over Water, and other local initiatives.

© Updated August 2024

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