Editorial about being an academic mother
Check out this editorial piece I wrote for Nature Human Behaviour about the challenges of balancing motherhood with academia. There is a...

Featured in Vox story about birdwatching tourism
While participating in COP16 in Cali, Colombia, I traveled with Vox journalist Benji Jones to famous birdwatching sites in Valle del...

Featured in student-authored news story about bird-window collisions
I am quoted in this story about bird-window collisions, whihc has authored by a journalism student from UNC Chapel Hill and features our...

New paper on biocultural tourism
In this new paper, we map biocultural diversity in Colombia and the potential to develop sustainable biocultural tourism. Read it here!...

New paper from collaboration
On a collaboration led by colleague Alejandra Echeverri, we looked at artisanal plant species and their threat status in Colombia. Paper...

Attended and presented at COP16 in Cali, Colombia
COP16, the biggest biodiversity global meeting, was in Cali, Colombia. I participated as an observer to negotiations and presented at a...

Quoted in news outlets about new bird habitat program for farms
A new bird habitat creation program called "BirdReturns" incentivizes management of agricultural fields for these to serve as stopover...

Quoted in Mongabay article about ATBC's 60 years
I was lucky to be in Kigali, Rwanda for the 60th anniversary of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) - my...

Episodio del podcast Periodémica
Este episodio lo grabé con Periodémica y cuenta la historia de cómo me inspiré para ser ornitóloga, y habla de la Re-expedición Colombia...

New paper on range and AOH maps for Colombia and beyond
Check out our new paper which presents novel methods to build locally-tailored species range and Area of Habitat maps for birds combining...