Paper: Economic and Conservation Potential of Bird-Watching Tourism in Postconflict Colombia
As Colombia brings a 50-year war to a close, its immense biodiversity will be available to all, including avid birdwatchers from all...

Paper: Species traits and local abundance affect bird-window collisions
This paper, led by former Masters student Thomas Wittig, looks at an issue that has interested collision researchers for years: are all...

Interview about birdwatching in Quindio Botanical Gardens
We visited the lovely Quindio Botanical Gardens for some nature and birdwatching. Caracol TV (national TV) was filming a note about...

Article about my current research on the Swiss Sunday Times
Our research group's work on oil palm and biodiversity-friendly oil palm landscapes was the topic of an article in the NZZamSonntag, the...

Honorable mention: 8th OTS Student Paper Award
I am happy to share that the paper I led called "Incorporating explicit geospatial data shows more species at risk of extinction than the...

Audubon Magazine covers our research, and present the controversy sparked by it
Audubon Magazine 2017 Spring edition features an article discussing the importance of geospatial data for assessing extinction risk,...