Featured in Vox story about birdwatching tourism
While participating in COP16 in Cali, Colombia, I traveled with Vox journalist Benji Jones to famous birdwatching sites in Valle del...

Featured in student-authored news story about bird-window collisions
I am quoted in this story about bird-window collisions, whihc has authored by a journalism student from UNC Chapel Hill and features our...

Episodio del podcast Periodémica
Este episodio lo grabé con Periodémica y cuenta la historia de cómo me inspiré para ser ornitóloga, y habla de la Re-expedición Colombia...

Featured in girls' magazine Kazoo
Kazoo is a magazine for girls 5-12 "who are not afraid to make noise". In the "weird" issue, they featured my story as an inspiring...

Lack of childcare hurts mothers' academic careers
I was interviewed for this news piece in the local news outlet Lookout Santa Cruz as an example of an academic mother who has struggled...

Nuestra historia fue la #1 en historias de mujeres que fueron protagonistas en el 2023 por Mongabay Latinoamérica
Lee la historia, y las de las otras mujeres que también protagonizaron el 2023, aquí!

Female ornithological expedition featured in Cornell's All About Birds
The story of our female expedition, and that of Brazilian colleagues, both honoring the legacy of women in ornithology, is out in Cornell...

Quoted in Scientific American about bird-window collisions
I'm quoted in Scientific American discussing the findings of a new article that tested indoor vs outdoor window decal application to...

En la portada de El Espectador por la historia de Kerr!
Nuestro articulo en Ornithological Applications cuenta la historia de Elizabeth Kerr, una naturalista estadounidense que recolectó aves...

New paper highlights story of female naturalist Kerr in the early XX century
I am excited to share this paper in Ornithological Applications uncovering the story of Elizabeth Kerr, a female naturalist who collected...