Quoted in article about selectively logged forests on AGU's Eos
A recent Nature paper documents the importance of selectively logged forests for ecosystem energetics in Borneo. On a media coverage by...

Media coverage of human footprint-birds paper
The study we recently published in Environmental Research Letters appeared in the press via a UCSC press release, in Phys.org, The...

TNC blog coverage about our paper on conservation responsibility of the logging industry
The Nature Conservancy Blog wrote a short coverage on the paper we recently published in Conservation Letters mapping and quantifying the...

Quoted in New Scientists about the rediscovered Santa Marta Sabrewing
The thought-to-be-extinct Santa Marta Sabrewing, a hummingbird, has been recently rediscovered in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Check...

Participación en EcoPodcast hablando de aves
Me invitaron a conversar con Yolanda Ruiz sobre las amenazas a las aves y el potencial del aviturismo en Colombia. Escuchen el episodio...

Quoted in Mongabay article about landslides in Colombia
The paper that Stuart Pimm and I wrote in 2015 is one of the few and the first one to look at the win-win opportunities of restoring...

Quoted on article about sustainable palm oil production in Colombia
This article discusses the challenges and opportunities for sustainable palm oil in Colombia. Read it here!

Mongabay article about birdwatching tourism in Colombia
Birdwatching tourism has huge potential for conservation and as an economic alternative in rural places in Colombia, as we have shown in...

Colombia Resurvey Project featured in Nature News!
Our Colombia Resurvey Project, an effort to document changes in the Colombian avifauna after a century of landcover and climate change,...