New paper on improving range maps with community science data!
In this new paper resulting from a hugely collaborative effort, we propose a transparent way to include community science data in the...

Colombia Resurvey Project wins Dejar Huella award
The Colombia Resurvey Project, in which I collaborate, just won the "Dejar Huella" award given by the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota,...

New paper describing and promoting the Resurvey Colombia project
This paper describes and promotes our Colombia Resurvey Project , a collaboration with the aim to recurvey sites that were visited over a...

Expeditions BIO Alas, cantos y colores featured in The New York Times
The Expeditions BIO Alas, cantos y colores were featured in The New York Times. I led this project from March 2020 to March 2021 and I'm...

Story about my research in Forbes Science
Forbes Science published a nice short story about my career, and my research plans and dreams. Read it here!

New paper on bird-window collisions mitigation
In this paper, Utah researchers and I looked at the efficacy of mitigation strategies for preventing bird collisions. The mitigation was...

Starting as Assistant Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz
In July 2021 I joined the faculty of the Environmental Studies Department at the University of California Santa Cruz as an Assistant...

En la portada de El Espectador!
La foto de la icónica expedición ornitológica femenina en Colombia, la cual lideré en el el marco del Proyecto Expediciones BIO Alas,...

Comentarios sobre el Global Big Day 2021 y la campaña #CuelgoMisBinoculares por Colombia
Este Global Big Day 2021, el evento más grande de observación de aves a nivel mundial, organizado por eBird fue uno de protesta para los...