Our paper on using iNaturalist to target mitigation of window collisions in out on PeerJ
Scott Winton, member of the bird-window collisions team at Duke University, leads this paper on how to use apps and technology to target...

Paper: Species traits and local abundance affect bird-window collisions
This paper, led by former Masters student Thomas Wittig, looks at an issue that has interested collision researchers for years: are all...

Paper: preventing collisions at home with decals
After two years of monitoring collisions at home and testing readily available decals, I am happy to share the scientific publication...

Author interview for PeerJ Blog
After the release of our paper on bird-window collisions in PeerJ, the journal team did an author interview which gets published in their...

Article for the NC Wildlifer about bird-window collisions at Duke
I recently co-authored an article for the NC Wildlifer, the magazine for the NC chapter of The Wildlife Society. The article describes...

Paper: bird-window collisions and mitigation action at Duke University
Bird-window collisions take an estimated one billion bird lives each year in the United States alone. In 2012, I started a project to...

DukEnvironment magazine features an article about my research on bird-window collisions
The story of how I first got involved in bird-window collision research, why I lead this effort at Duke, and what and how my peers have...

The Chronicle writes about bird deterrence at CIEMAS
After three seasons of data collection, several media appearances, conversations with he administration, a resolution with the graduate...

Interview with local news WRAL about bird-window collisions at Duke
For two years a team of PhD and Master students, an instructor at Duke University, and I have been collecting data about bird-window...