Charla magistral en Colombia BirdFair 2021
Entre e 11 y 14 de febrero de 2021 se celebró el Colombia BirdFair 2021 de manera virtual. En este evento, fui invitada a compartir una...

US-launch webinar "Expediciones BIO Alas, cantos y colores"
On December 1st 2020, I shared the stage with Dr. Joel Cracraft, curator or ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History, and...

"Expediciones BIO Alas, cantos y colores" launch
The project I lead at the Humboldt Institute, "Expediciones BIO Alas, cantos y colores" was launched officially by Colombia´s President...

Lecture at the Humboldt Institute
During the same Colombia visit, I was invited by the Humboldt Institute to share my experience with bird watching tourism, and...

Public talk in Villavicencio
During a visit to the Llanos for a fieldwork campaign, I was invited by two research groups at Universidad de los Llanos to give a public...