Editorial about being an academic mother
Check out this editorial piece I wrote for Nature Human Behaviour about the challenges of balancing motherhood with academia. There is a...

Featured in piece about Science and conflict
My story as a Colombian scientist and the struggles we faced when trying to do research in areas with armed conflict presence is featured...

Artículo de ciencia popular sobre el aviturismo en Colombia, en revista de MinCiencias
En este corto artículo para el público, escribo sobre el desarollo y potencial del aviturismo en Colombia: el país de las aves. Es en la...

Featured as an amazing woman in wildlife research in the book "Animal Allies"
I am one of 15 women featured in this book that targets young women interested in science and wildlife research. I feel honored and...

Nota en el Boletín Colombiano de Biología Evolutiva
Lean la nota que escribí para el Boletín Colombiano de Biología Evolutiva sobre el proyecto Re-expedición Colombia. Está disponible en la...

Nuevo artículo sobre el impacto ambiental de la palma de aceite en Colombia
Con mi amigo y colega Lain Pardo escribimos un artículo explicando la literatura existente y resumiendo los verdaderos impactos de la...

Featured in the book "Women in GIS: Mapping their stories"
I am super excited and proud to announce that I am one of 23 women featured in the new book by ESRI Press "Women and GIS: Mapping their...

Artículo sobre mi doctorado en español
La revista digital "Voices for Biodiversity" publica artículos sobre conservación en un lenguaje accesible al publico general....

Article: University of Queensland's Decision Point en Español
I was invited to write a general audience piece about my research for a conservation magazine in Spanish. This is the second edition of...

Article: Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests
I was invited to write a "Field notes" piece for the digital magazine "Voices for Biodiversity", here's the result!